Couplet 164


164a:  Mid and hind tarsi with same number of tarsomeres; body elongate, flattened (Figure 26-58B); head usually with distinct temples before abruptly constricted neck; fore coxa either closed behind or open; if open (Brontinae), elytra transversely flat or slightly concave between slightly to distinctly raised interstria between stria 6 and 7; elytron with scutellary striole; base of mandible with dorsal setose pit (mycangium) hidden beneath clypeus when closed; antenna filiform, with scape more than 3X length of pedicel

Silvanidae  p.431


164b:  Hind tarsus with 1 less tarsomere than mid tarsus; other characters variable

Go to Couplet  169


Go Back to Couplet  163